PTSD: the effects

12 Steps of PTSD


Possible causes of PTSD


PTSD Awareness: what causes PTSD? Can PTSD damage your brian?

PTSD Occurrence

Brain shrinkage in Japanese tsunami survivors with PTSD

 Survivors of last year’s Japanese tsunami who have PTSD from the disaster experienced a shrinking of their orbitofrontal cortex — that’s the part of the brain that is involved in decision-making and the regulation of emotion.

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Brain shrinkage seen in Tohoku PTSD cases | The Japan Times Online

Brain shrinkage seen in Tohoku PTSD cases | The Japan Times Online

DID (Multiple Personality Disorder) – a mental health problem resulting from childabuse
See the brain scans here:

More on PTSD (with thanks to commenter “Anon” for the link)

Male, female, young, old… PTSD does not discriminate.

Find out more here

PTSD Awareness month

reblogging this – June is PTSD Awareness month

Dear …..

Ritual Child Sacrifice: A Survivor Speaks (Netherlands & Wales)

Ritual Child Sacrifice: A Survivor Speaks.

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Related links

UK ritual abuse convictions –

Another satanic abuse conviction, ignored by mainstream press

Satanic child rape and sexual abuse: sentence appeal dismissed

Survivors of ritualized abuse campaign against international child trafficking
UK state/government organized ritual abuse –
Current satanic killing ritual in South Africa and ritual killings in Africa

Ritual abuse coverups

Years of harrasment leads to survivors of ritual abuse take legal action…oddly several survivors take  against the same person

Ritual abuse survivor exposing harassment of himself, author Judy Byington and founder of

Harrassment via

Harrassment via Amazon and book review websites

Survivors of Ritualized Abuse Form Coalition with Nobel Peace Prize Nominee to Fight International Child Trafficking Rings

Survivors of Ritualized Abuse Form Coalition with Nobel Peace Prize Nominee to Fight International Child Trafficking Rings

David Shurter blogs about CEOs of four ritual abuse survivor organizations joining forces with Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Kevin Annett…

Nearly 35 million U.S. children have experienced one or more types of childhood trauma

In the CDC’s ACE Study, the ten types of childhood adversity measured were:


  • physical, sexual, verbal abuse
  • physical and emotional neglect
  • a parent who’s an alcoholic (or addicted to other drugs) or diagnosed with a mental illness
  • witnessing a mother who experiences abuse
  • losing a parent to abandonment or divorce
  • a family member in jail

Nearly 35 million U.S. children have experienced one or more types of childhood trauma.


Dissociative Identity Disorder/Multiple Personality Disorder and Schizophrenia – Clinical differences

So much misinformation and misunderstanding exist about DID and schizophrenia – many studies show they both affect around 1% of the population world-wide, yet schizophrenia is diagnosed more often whereas DID takes an average of 6 years of obvious symptoms until diagnosis.

A key difference here is that the only known cause of Dissociative Identity Disorder however is extreme childhood abuse beginning at a young age, this history exists in around 95% of those diagnosed with DID. DID is one of a range of Dissociative Disorders: including Dissociative Amnesia, Dissociative Fugue, Depersonalization Disorder and Dissociative Disorder not otherwise specified.

While both psychotic episodes/schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder commonly feature hearing voices these typically appear external with schizophrenia and internal with DID (i.e. thoughts).

Mood disorders are not part of the diagnostic criteria for DID and can be very much a red herring. Signs of amnesia are key though – forgetting things like who people are, not recognizing familiar places, not knowing always what the year is, finding thing they don’t remember buying, contradicting themselves in conversation and then denying it.
With DID symptoms of PTSD are very common, dissociative amnesia and of course the absence of the thought disorders found in psychosis/schizophrenia. With DID having very childlike emotions or behaviors is also a key indicator.

DID – all these criteria to be met

A. Disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality states or an experience of possession. This involves marked discontinuity in sense of self and sense of agency, accompanied by related alterations in effect, behavior, consciousness, memory, perception, cognition, and/or sensory-motor functioning. These signs and symptoms may be observed by others or reported by the individual.
B. Recurrent gaps in the recall of everyday events, important personal information, and/or traumatic events that are inconsistent with ordinary forgetting.

C. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

D. The disturbance is not a normal part of a broadly accepted cultural or religious practice. (Note: In children, the symptoms are not attributable to imaginary playmates or other fantasy play.)

E. The symptoms are not attributable to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., blackouts or chaotic behavior during Alcohol Intoxication) or another medical condition (e.g., complex partial seizures).

Specify if: With prominent non-epileptic seizures and/or other sensory-motor (functional neurologic) symptoms
The SCIDD screening tool, which needs training to apply, is a reliable diagnostic tool for DID. 

Alternative and excellent diagnostic criteria exist in A new model for DID by Paul Dell (see page 10), this also totally refutes the iatrogenic theory of DID.

Schizophrenia diagnosis

Schizophrenia is characterized by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech and behavior, and other symptoms that cause social or occupational dysfunction.

For a diagnosis, symptoms must have been present for six months and include at least two active symptoms over at least one month.

A spectrum of Schizophrenia and Psychotic disorders exist, including Delusional, Schizo-affective and Catatonia.

Schizo-affective disorder includes a mood disorder, I’ve heard it informally described as bipolar with schizophrenia.

Treatment options

These vary a great deal, which is why diagnosis is so key. Anti-psychotics will not improve dissociative symptoms for example.

Long-term psychotherapy and trauma work is the recommended treatment for DID, anti-depressants may help if depression or anxiety are present, although interestingly they will not affect all personality parts in the same way.


Ritual Abuse: Convictions and Evidence the media hide and deny

Denials and misinformation continue in mainstream media allowing rapists, pedophiles, organized abuse to continue committing horrific crimes and destroying lives.

Selling newspapers – the “Satanic Panic” headlines

Millions of copies of newspapers were sold in the 1980s and 1990s covering numerous ritual crimes including satanic ritual abuse, the media suddenly reversed the coverage and created the “Satanic ritual abuse myth” – selling many more millions of newspapers. Society at that time did not wish to believe in the horrors of incest, so reports of extreme physical and sexual abuse combined, often with satanic/occult influences became a sensationalist topic in the media.

The backlash – confessions ignored as convictions are overturned, “it’s a Myth” headlines

This backlash was based on a highly effective publicity campaign on “false memories” which began when Peter Freyd’s daughter Jennifer Freyd accused him of raping her as a child. Jennifer – a highly respected psychologist – never recanted – but after public appeals and money from others accused of the similar crimes, including convicted pedophiles a media backlash began. Jennifer has never referred to being subjected to ritual abuse yet the Freyd’s latched onto this, and many convictions for ritual abuse were overturned in the United States. Including a huge number of convictions which had including confessions.

Satanic Ritual Abuse and Ritual Killings – on the rise, yet reporting is declining – Why?

Having already done a U-turn in reporting the media now face the tricky situation of writing newspaper articles on a topic they have convinced many people doesn’t exist. Rather than face public embarrassment by admitting they were wrong in the previous U-turn, and having nobody left to blame it on, convictions are only very rarely reported in radio or TV, and all mention of ritual or religious aspects is minimized within the articles, never to be referred to again. Except of course when you can try a claim an “unsafe conviction” – such as the recent press on Fran Keller which suggests she was convicted on physical evidence (rather than witness testimony and a 60 page confession of an accomplice).

Target: Wikipedia and National Newspapers: Abuser Tactics

Abusers want to keep the silence about ritual abuse: if society acknowledges reality and hears about the number of convictions then victims will be encouraged to report them. For abusers previously reported hearing convictions in the media might give their partners, spouses, children, work colleagues room to doubt their self-proclaimed “innocence” and make them wonder about some of the odd behavior they have seen or heard about. Wifes or husbands of those reported: how hard would you look for evidence that your beloved was not involved in activities like torturing, killing and raping children? So there began an anonymous campaign – with the internet as a perfect tool for hiding their identities. And hiding their previous convictions or arrests to.

Key target: wikipedia. How it was done: gradual persistent editing by a large number of people, followed by wikipedia blacklisting the targeted websites for sending spam. It’s highly unlikely that Ellen Lacter, Ph. D. and well respected author, or Neil Brick, therapist, are spammers but once spam (real or faked) is found wikipedia blacklists the site. No appeals process. No evidence provided. Blacklisted forever. Read about it here, with links to the blacklisted sites:

Wikipedia Blacklisted Four Important Websites By Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D.

Other targets: all mainstream news websites, via the comments section, scientific and large circulation newspapers via the letters page, cosy relationships with journalists, and best of all journalists ‘specializing’ in printing that ritual abuse is a myth. Articles attempt to make out the falsely accused (yet mentally well) adults are somehow “victims” and talk of “families torn apart” yet never about rape, torture, murders or helping those who reported the abuse.

Enter the Skeptics

The skeptics seem to doubt all mainstream news so they became a perfect target to get involved, as well as a perfectly “acceptable” place for abusers to discrediting any accounts of convictions that appeared. Being a ‘skeptic’ seems to have a social aspect and very few have any scientific qualifications or academic background despite their strong convictions; quoting exclusively from the internet is common.
Classic examples Skeptics in the Pub, the JREF Randi forum (a place for the “false memory” fans to feel at home now their organization has lost it’s Philadelphia office), and the UK’s biggest skeptic magazine Private Eye.

This skeptics thread jokes about convictions for ritualistic child abuse. Those denying abuse make comparisons with unrelated trials, unproven theories and mention the “false memory” movement initiated by reported pedophile Peter Freyd and his wife Pamela. A genuine skeptic points out their obvious bias and lack of objectivity.

GG Science

The title of this thread, and much of the commentary, sound neither objective or skeptical. Rather, this conversation more than hints at a confirmation bias, apparently born of a deeply held belief, e.g. ritual abuse does not exist so this case must be a hoax.

I’d like to understand the rules here. Are there other scenarios in which child abuse just cannot happen? If a pedophile wears a clown suit, does the abuse not happen because everybody knows there’s no such thing as clown abuse?

When the UK’s biggest known pedophile hits the headlines in the national press (one newspaper only printed this despite the credible source) the Private Eye backlash ran the March 2013 story SATANIC PANIC – Familiar Ritual (issue 1334) stating that

“no physical, forensic corroborating evidence has been produced anywhere in the world to substantiate the existence of Satanic ritual abuse”

oddly this was an unsigned story was later found to be the work of Rosie Waterhouse who contributes to the only website I’ve found which claims the 2011 Satanic sex cult in Kidwelly, Wales, UK is not satanic ritual abuse (by claiming it’s not satanic). Rosie of course avoids references the three children conceived within the rapes and sexual abuse in the cult.

Jimmy Savile: Satanic ritual abuse – media misinformation

Denying Savile's abuse by inappropriate humour

Exposed: Jimmy Savile’s satanic ritual
This big headache was dealt with by attacking the source of the information Dr Sinason, avoiding the corroborating medical evidence that her patients were on the hospital wards at the time Savile was abusing others in the that hospital.
Photos used – A huge photo from a movie (thus implying the abuse was fictional) and humorous image of Savile.

Here’s the real image of Savile in his satanic outfit – courtesy of Real Whitby.

Jimmary Savile in satanic ritualistic regalia

And an image from a few months before of a convicted ritualistic sex offender from Cornwall, also in the UK.White witch ritualistic sex conviction

It’s time to start questioning not if ritual abuse exists but how we can PREVENT it and HELP the victims heal.

Blind to Betrayal The Book, How often do Child Molesters go on to Reoffend?

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Eassurvey's Weblog

– Blind to Betrayal Preface
– Blind to Betrayal – Chapter 1
– Speaking Our Truth Chapter Discusses Jennifer Freyd’s presentation at a professional conference “Personal and Theoretical Perspectives on the Delayed Memory Debate.”
– Recidivism: How often do Child Molesters go on to Reoffend?

Blind to Betrayal The Book  

Betrayal is fundamental to the human condition.  Betrayal is everywhere and yet because of betrayal blindness often not seen. Drawing on empirical research, clinical thought, and real stories, we will explore with the reader central questions about betrayal and betrayal blindness: What is betrayal? What is its scope? Why are we often blind to it? What are the mental mechanisms that underlie betrayal blindness? What are the effects of betrayal blindness? How should we overcome the effects of betrayal and our blindness to it? How do we become aware of it and heal from its effects? We can create a…

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Growing Not Dwindling: Worldwide Phenomenon of Dissociative Disorders, Disinformation About Dissociation Dr Joel Paris’s Notions About Dissociative Identity Disorder

Eassurvey's Weblog

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR  The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease & Volume 201, Number 4, April 2013 p. 353 – 358

Growing Not Dwindling: Worldwide Phenomenon of Dissociative Disorders

To the Editor:

In the December 2012 issue of the Journal, Joel Paris, MD, wrote an article about the current status of dissociative identity disorder (DID) and the dissociative disorder field in general. He suggests that DID is merely a ‘‘fad’’ and that there is no credible evidence to connect traumatic experiences with the development of DID. We refute several of the claims made by Dr Paris.

Our biggest concern as non-North American researchers is that Dr Paris does not reference a single international study related to dissociative disorders and DID, despite the considerable and increasing empirical literature from around the world. His speculation that DID is not diagnosed outside clinics that specialize in treating dissociation is not consistent…

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