Survivors of Ritualized Abuse Form Coalition with Nobel Peace Prize Nominee to Fight International Child Trafficking Rings

Survivors of Ritualized Abuse Form Coalition with Nobel Peace Prize Nominee to Fight International Child Trafficking Rings

David Shurter blogs about CEOs of four ritual abuse survivor organizations joining forces with Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Kevin Annett…


reblogging this, which includes lots of evidence – will this continue to be another coverup?

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Cynthia Owens
Cynthia Owen (born Cynthia Murphy) claims that she and her siblings was subjected to Satanic ritual abuse – by her parents and at least nine other people.

Her account has been supported by her psychologist.

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Interview With Ruth Jacobs, Author and Anti-Trafficking Activist

interview with Ruth Jacobs, author of “Soul Destruction” and anti-trafficking activist

Bipolar For Life

I’m excited to have a guest on board here at Bipolar For Life:  Ruth Jacobs, author of the upcoming best-selling novel series Soul Destruction.  Part one of the series, Soul Destruction: Unforgivable, will be released worldwide on April 29, 2013.

Ruth Jacobs no border

Soul Survivor: Ruth’s gritty, hard-hitting novel features a more-or-less close-knit group of friends who have at least two things in common: drugs, and prostitution.  So what is this book doing on my blog, which tries its best to stay focused on mental health and child abuse issues?  Probably because this group of tough customers has more than just two things in common.

Let’s read a passage from Soul Destruction: Unforgivable, and then we can ask Ruth to help us understand.

Aunt Elsie made tea and they sat on their usual white stools at the white, plastic table in the kitchen. Elsie, as always, sat facing…

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The Reality of Male Slavery: Human Trafficking

An extract from an excellent blog post

The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan is an excellent documentary.

It disturbs me that many people associate human trafficking and the sex trade just with women, as it extends far beyond that, and is much seedier than most would like to consider. In a previous video I posted entitled “Boys for Sale”, it shows the propensity that many pedophiles have for the flesh of young boys, and how vast this extends, at least in Houston in the 80s. There is also another documentary called “Conspiracy of Silence” which shows the problems that were experienced here in Omaha during the bilking of 40 million dollars from the Franklin Credit Union. When you factor in groups such as NAMBLA (the North American Man Boy Love Association), whose motto is “sex before eight or it is too late”, and pedophile groups like that of “Dreamboard”, which has been found to be in existence decades before the internet, one must wonder why all of this has been allowed to exist openly in the public eye.

I just attended a program on human trafficking in Nebraska, and the key speaker spoke of two films- one a Frontline documentary entitled “The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan”, and another called “The Whisleblower” which depicts the speaker’s experiences coming forward and reporting that American government contractors are heavily involved with the human trafficking trade abroad. The problem that I had with this presentation is that while human trafficking is a huge problem for third world countries, it is also very prevalent and ongoing in the United States as well, and local law officials in the States are about as eager to investigate and prosecute these criminals as Afghanistan is, which is a really sad take on America if you ask me.

Young boys were a focal point in the events that took place here in Omaha, NE- in the center of the United States, here in the 80′s and early 90s, as well as being in Houston- where “Boys for Sale” was filmed. These are just two places in America that this was a problem- and yet over and over it is viewed as an issue for women in third world countries. This HAS TO BE FOR A REASON! Defying logic and what is known about the issues here in the States, depicting this problem as it has been is misleading and one must wonder why our media doesn’t spend more time investigating and reporting the facts of the matter rather than leading society to believe that it is only poor countries that have this problem.

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Rolf Horris

Rolf Harris update: BBC announcing arrest, more details here

The BBC have announced that Rolf Harris has been arrested. I am aware that whenever there is any news about the allegations of sexual offences against Rolf Harris, The Needle receives a steep increase in traffic. Without wishing in anyway to seem unsupportive of the victims in this particular case, I’d like to take this opportunity to write about something far more widespread.
Over the last 40 years or more, the care home system in the UK has been targeted by paedophiles, producers of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) material (child pornogaphy) , the trafficking of children for sexual exploitation, and on occasion the murder of victims, either because their deaths become sick entertainment , or because they knew too much.

Some of this has been extremely well organised and is not restricted to one or two local authorities. This is a problem that is widespread.

When I first became aware of this I felt ashamed of myself. I felt ashamed because I had assumed that the most vulnerable in our society, children in need of care of the state, were safe. To find out that that was not the case and that because, in part, of my ignorance, the sexual abuse of children was being exploited and perpetuated was very difficult.

But now I am no longer ignorant, now I know what has been going on. Ignorance is not a crime but to turn away once all ignorance has been dispelled is morally reprehensible.

There has been a systemic cover up of the truth. One reason for this is due to the fact that many child abusers hold great power, a second reason for this is because CSA is an underworld industry which makes a great deal of money and therefore corruption is rife, a third reason for this is because some people mistakenly thought that moving a problem elsewhere solved it, and finally because with so many powerful people implicated for the three previous reasons, it has become an issue of national security.

I’d like to appeal to every parent and grandparent who reads this. This is not just historic this is a very real child safeguarding issue today.

Now I’ve told you, now you know, remember the words of Edmund Burke, and do not turn away.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

reblogged from TheNeedleBlog

Historic child sexual abuse cover-up in UK children’s homes

Reblogged from theneedleblog concerned child pornography, sexual assault, rape, kidnapping and other offences happening within a London children’s home.

Brent Council Injunction About Greenwich Melanie Klein House

How Dare Councillor Fay !?.

This injunction was granted one month after Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s speech stating

To use children for sexual purposes, whether through the wicked perversion of sexual abuse or through fantasies induced by child pornography, must provoke the strongest outrage and reaction from individuals and Government alike.

The Government has increased the penalties for child cruelty and tightened the law on child pornography by making possession of this material an offence but I am very concerned by recent reports of what is still occurring.

So last year and this year, we are making £7 million available to Local Authorities to train those involved in caring for children, particularly social workers, and student teachers are now taught about child abuse as an essential part of their preparation for teaching.

We are making the largest ever grant to the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children to help them to establish their new training centre.

We have also, as you mentioned, Mr. Chairman, reformed the law so that it is clear, effective and fair. The Children Act of 1989 is the most comprehensive piece of legislation about children ever enacted in this country; it draws on the experiences learned in Cleveland and through the tragic deaths or abused children such as Kimberley Carlisle, Jasmine Beckford and Tara Henry. Above all, the Act seeks the right balance in protecting those too young and vulnerable to protect themselves while preventing excessive and over-zealous intrusion into family life by the State; and in 1988, the maximum penalties for child cruelty were increased from the previous two years to ten years—and rightly so!

Some of these matters, to which we have all had to respond, reflect the darker side of human nature and in tackling them our greatest source of strength comes from that other side of human nature—the reserves of sheer goodness and goodwill which find practical expression every day.

Utah massage parlor owner to stand trial for alleged sex trafficking

Young girls forced into prostitution as a result of trafficking
Utah massage parlor owner to stand trial for alleged sex trafficking

Corporate initiative can play a major role in anti-trafficking movement

Global business coalition against human trafficking, reblogging from News on Modern Day Slavery

News on Modern Day Slavery

Convincing policymakers is a constant struggle for most not-for-profit organisation. Years of relationship building and grassroots work are usually required. Not so for the Global business coalition against human trafficking (gBCAT). President Barack Obama spoke about it from the podium of the Clinton Global Initiative soon after the coalition was formed.

Why the ringing endorsement? Partly, because of the seriousness of the issue. Human trafficking is the ugly side of today’s global trade networks. Affecting an estimated 2.5 million people per year, its market value has been put at $32bn (£21bn) – making it the second most lucrative criminal activity after drug running.

The gBCAT is a business-only coalition that counts some of the world’s largest corporations among its founders, including Coca-Cola, ExxonMobil, Ford, Microsoft and ManpowerGroup. Collectively, they pack a serious punch.

“NGOs and governments are very passionate about it [fighting trafficking], but until corporate America gets behind this…

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