Historic child sexual abuse cover-up in UK children’s homes

Reblogged from theneedleblog concerned child pornography, sexual assault, rape, kidnapping and other offences happening within a London children’s home.

Brent Council Injunction About Greenwich Melanie Klein House

How Dare Councillor Fay !?.

This injunction was granted one month after Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s speech stating

To use children for sexual purposes, whether through the wicked perversion of sexual abuse or through fantasies induced by child pornography, must provoke the strongest outrage and reaction from individuals and Government alike.

The Government has increased the penalties for child cruelty and tightened the law on child pornography by making possession of this material an offence but I am very concerned by recent reports of what is still occurring.

So last year and this year, we are making £7 million available to Local Authorities to train those involved in caring for children, particularly social workers, and student teachers are now taught about child abuse as an essential part of their preparation for teaching.

We are making the largest ever grant to the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children to help them to establish their new training centre.

We have also, as you mentioned, Mr. Chairman, reformed the law so that it is clear, effective and fair. The Children Act of 1989 is the most comprehensive piece of legislation about children ever enacted in this country; it draws on the experiences learned in Cleveland and through the tragic deaths or abused children such as Kimberley Carlisle, Jasmine Beckford and Tara Henry. Above all, the Act seeks the right balance in protecting those too young and vulnerable to protect themselves while preventing excessive and over-zealous intrusion into family life by the State; and in 1988, the maximum penalties for child cruelty were increased from the previous two years to ten years—and rightly so!

Some of these matters, to which we have all had to respond, reflect the darker side of human nature and in tackling them our greatest source of strength comes from that other side of human nature—the reserves of sheer goodness and goodwill which find practical expression every day.


Ritual Abuse: Convictions and Evidence the media hide and deny

Denials and misinformation continue in mainstream media allowing rapists, pedophiles, organized abuse to continue committing horrific crimes and destroying lives.

Selling newspapers – the “Satanic Panic” headlines

Millions of copies of newspapers were sold in the 1980s and 1990s covering numerous ritual crimes including satanic ritual abuse, the media suddenly reversed the coverage and created the “Satanic ritual abuse myth” – selling many more millions of newspapers. Society at that time did not wish to believe in the horrors of incest, so reports of extreme physical and sexual abuse combined, often with satanic/occult influences became a sensationalist topic in the media.

The backlash – confessions ignored as convictions are overturned, “it’s a Myth” headlines

This backlash was based on a highly effective publicity campaign on “false memories” which began when Peter Freyd’s daughter Jennifer Freyd accused him of raping her as a child. Jennifer – a highly respected psychologist – never recanted – but after public appeals and money from others accused of the similar crimes, including convicted pedophiles a media backlash began. Jennifer has never referred to being subjected to ritual abuse yet the Freyd’s latched onto this, and many convictions for ritual abuse were overturned in the United States. Including a huge number of convictions which had including confessions.

Satanic Ritual Abuse and Ritual Killings – on the rise, yet reporting is declining – Why?

Having already done a U-turn in reporting the media now face the tricky situation of writing newspaper articles on a topic they have convinced many people doesn’t exist. Rather than face public embarrassment by admitting they were wrong in the previous U-turn, and having nobody left to blame it on, convictions are only very rarely reported in radio or TV, and all mention of ritual or religious aspects is minimized within the articles, never to be referred to again. Except of course when you can try a claim an “unsafe conviction” – such as the recent press on Fran Keller which suggests she was convicted on physical evidence (rather than witness testimony and a 60 page confession of an accomplice).

Target: Wikipedia and National Newspapers: Abuser Tactics

Abusers want to keep the silence about ritual abuse: if society acknowledges reality and hears about the number of convictions then victims will be encouraged to report them. For abusers previously reported hearing convictions in the media might give their partners, spouses, children, work colleagues room to doubt their self-proclaimed “innocence” and make them wonder about some of the odd behavior they have seen or heard about. Wifes or husbands of those reported: how hard would you look for evidence that your beloved was not involved in activities like torturing, killing and raping children? So there began an anonymous campaign – with the internet as a perfect tool for hiding their identities. And hiding their previous convictions or arrests to.

Key target: wikipedia. How it was done: gradual persistent editing by a large number of people, followed by wikipedia blacklisting the targeted websites for sending spam. It’s highly unlikely that Ellen Lacter, Ph. D. and well respected author, or Neil Brick, therapist, are spammers but once spam (real or faked) is found wikipedia blacklists the site. No appeals process. No evidence provided. Blacklisted forever. Read about it here, with links to the blacklisted sites:

Wikipedia Blacklisted Four Important Websites By Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D.

Other targets: all mainstream news websites, via the comments section, scientific and large circulation newspapers via the letters page, cosy relationships with journalists, and best of all journalists ‘specializing’ in printing that ritual abuse is a myth. Articles attempt to make out the falsely accused (yet mentally well) adults are somehow “victims” and talk of “families torn apart” yet never about rape, torture, murders or helping those who reported the abuse.

Enter the Skeptics

The skeptics seem to doubt all mainstream news so they became a perfect target to get involved, as well as a perfectly “acceptable” place for abusers to discrediting any accounts of convictions that appeared. Being a ‘skeptic’ seems to have a social aspect and very few have any scientific qualifications or academic background despite their strong convictions; quoting exclusively from the internet is common.
Classic examples Skeptics in the Pub, the JREF Randi forum (a place for the “false memory” fans to feel at home now their organization has lost it’s Philadelphia office), and the UK’s biggest skeptic magazine Private Eye.

This skeptics thread jokes about convictions for ritualistic child abuse. Those denying abuse make comparisons with unrelated trials, unproven theories and mention the “false memory” movement initiated by reported pedophile Peter Freyd and his wife Pamela. A genuine skeptic points out their obvious bias and lack of objectivity.

GG Science

The title of this thread, and much of the commentary, sound neither objective or skeptical. Rather, this conversation more than hints at a confirmation bias, apparently born of a deeply held belief, e.g. ritual abuse does not exist so this case must be a hoax.

I’d like to understand the rules here. Are there other scenarios in which child abuse just cannot happen? If a pedophile wears a clown suit, does the abuse not happen because everybody knows there’s no such thing as clown abuse?

When the UK’s biggest known pedophile hits the headlines in the national press (one newspaper only printed this despite the credible source) the Private Eye backlash ran the March 2013 story SATANIC PANIC – Familiar Ritual (issue 1334) stating that

“no physical, forensic corroborating evidence has been produced anywhere in the world to substantiate the existence of Satanic ritual abuse”

oddly this was an unsigned story was later found to be the work of Rosie Waterhouse who contributes to the only website I’ve found which claims the 2011 Satanic sex cult in Kidwelly, Wales, UK is not satanic ritual abuse (by claiming it’s not satanic). Rosie of course avoids references the three children conceived within the rapes and sexual abuse in the cult.

Jimmy Savile: Satanic ritual abuse – media misinformation

Denying Savile's abuse by inappropriate humour

Exposed: Jimmy Savile’s satanic ritual
This big headache was dealt with by attacking the source of the information Dr Sinason, avoiding the corroborating medical evidence that her patients were on the hospital wards at the time Savile was abusing others in the that hospital.
Photos used – A huge photo from a movie (thus implying the abuse was fictional) and humorous image of Savile.

Here’s the real image of Savile in his satanic outfit – courtesy of Real Whitby.

Jimmary Savile in satanic ritualistic regalia

And an image from a few months before of a convicted ritualistic sex offender from Cornwall, also in the UK.White witch ritualistic sex conviction

It’s time to start questioning not if ritual abuse exists but how we can PREVENT it and HELP the victims heal.

Surviving the Narcissistic Parent: ACoNs (Adult Children of Narcissists)

Emotional abuse: surviving an emotionally abusive childhood, and healing from it.

The Invisible Scar


April is Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention month. At The Invisible Scar, we are focusing on emotional child abuse, such as the various types, how to help emotionally abused children,  resources for healing, adult survivors of emotional child abuse, and the special case of narcissism.

Adult children of narcissistic parents (ACoNs) know a special type of emotional abuse in being raised by narcissists. (Biological mothers, stepmothers, biological fathers, and stepfathers can be N parents.) 

Before we discuss the special case of narcissism, please note that not every emotionally abusive parent has the narcissistic personality disorder. In some circumstances, an emotionally abusive parent who is not a narcissist can change and improve his or her parenting.  The same is not true for the narcissistic parent, however. Every narcissistic parent is an emotional abuser.

A narcissist is a person who has the narcissistic personality disorder.

Narcissistic personality disorder is one…

View original post 8,344 more words

New Definition of Domestic Abuse for the UK

The UK has finally updated it’s definition of Domestic Abuse to apply to 16 and 17 year olds, closing the loop hole that allowed 16 and 17-year olds to get married, or live independently with no protection from abusive and/or violent partners. The definition also includes same-sex relationships if they are intimate ones.

via the New Definition for Domestic Abuse.

Do you know Domestic Abuse is not only Domestic Violence?

It includes:

  • financial
  • emotional
  • psychological
  • sexual
  • physical

Coercive behaviour is now included, which is: an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim.

Teenagers at risk

The British Crime Survey in 2009/10 found that 16-19-year-olds were the group most likely to suffer abuse from a partner, so this change in the law is crucial.

This definition, which is not a legal definition,  includes so called ‘honour’ based violence, female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced marriage, and is clear that victims are not confined to one gender or ethnic group.

Domestic Abuse Statistics

Emotional Abuse and how to escape

Emotional abuse at the hands of a partner is rarely talked about.

Here is a useful blog post about separating from an emotionally abusive partner, and about how time apart allows you to see things more clearly, reflect on issues which day to day life was masking.

Beat the Narcissist this Year.

Share this blog to raise awareness of a situation many people find it hard to escape from.

Some emotionally abusive people are also violent, but don’t kid yourself here – emotion abuse without violence is deeply damaging.

What About Bob?: An Abuser’s Tactics Named and Exposed

Sharing a wonderful post today about how abusive people try to manipulate those raising awareness.

Abusive Tactics Identified:

1) Inappropriate familiarity.

2) Defining reality: claiming special or superior insight into the victim’s thoughts and motives – “I would question your heart.”

3) Shifting blame from the guilty party to the victim, working to instill self-doubt – “Is that really necessary?”

”Bob, we have heard these tactics before many times. We reject them.”

via What About Bob?: An Abuser’s Tactics Named and Exposed.

It’s Child Abuse Awareness Month

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month (in the United States) – so today is the perfect day for a first blog entry.

Child Abuse is an umbrella term which also covers Child Neglect (emotional and physical), verbal abuse (such as swearing), abandonment and threats of harm to the child. Child Abuse can involve particular actions, or inaction (such as failure to provide for the child).

Preventing child abuse is not a job for parents or carers alone – the whole community has a role in preventing child abuse.

The six protective factors for preventing child abuse are:

  • Nuturing and Attachment
  • Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development
  • Parental Resilience
  • Social Connections
  • Concrete Supports for Parents
  • Social and Emotional Competence of Children

If a child is being neglected or abused it does not necessarily mean the parents are ‘bad’ or are intentionally causing the child harm. It can mean a parent/carer/relative and someone else in contract with the child is causing the issue, or it can be a sign of a person who is in need of more support or who is unaware there is an issue. Reporting possible abuse or neglect is the best way to help improve a child’s life.
For the children you know, how can help them? If you have children yourself, are they aware of OK, and not OK? Do they know who they could tell if they are worried about their friends? Is there a child you know who often seems sad, afraid or angry, have you asked them why this is? Would you know the signs of possible abuse if you saw them – for example patterns of marks on a child’s ear, or an unusual way of acting towards others? You do not need to be 100% sure to report a possible case of neglect or abuse, professionals can look into it themselves.
If there a child you know who may be neglected or abused, contact a helpline today to report it.

Further information

Raising awareness within our own communities is one of the key ways to prevent child abuse, and to stop it early.