Eton targeted in paedophile inquiry at top public schools

Eton college – an exclusive UK school – paedophile inquiry


This article is taken from the New Straits Times 02/09/00, an English-language newspaper published in Malaysia.

Eton College has been targeted by detectives investigating an alleged ring of suspected paedophile teachers in Britain’s top public schools.  A police document leaked to The Sunday Times reveals that officers set up Operation Fledgling, a full-scale intelligence-gathering investigation, into claims that some pupils at the country’s most prominent public school had been subjected to sexual abuse.

Disclosure of the inquiry will be especially sensitive because Prince Harry is a pupil at the prestigious school and Prince William, his older brother, has only recently left.  The year-long inquiry, which ended in 1998, targeted known or suspected “homosexuals/paedophiles” at Eton and Wellington College, Berkshire, and at Harrow, Hurstpierpoint and five other prominent private schools.

Both Eton and Wellington declined to discuss the matter last week, but no teachers have been suspended or charged.  The…

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