Surviving the Narcissistic Parent: ACoNs (Adult Children of Narcissists)

Emotional abuse: surviving an emotionally abusive childhood, and healing from it.

The Invisible Scar


April is Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention month. At The Invisible Scar, we are focusing on emotional child abuse, such as the various types, how to help emotionally abused children,  resources for healing, adult survivors of emotional child abuse, and the special case of narcissism.

Adult children of narcissistic parents (ACoNs) know a special type of emotional abuse in being raised by narcissists. (Biological mothers, stepmothers, biological fathers, and stepfathers can be N parents.) 

Before we discuss the special case of narcissism, please note that not every emotionally abusive parent has the narcissistic personality disorder. In some circumstances, an emotionally abusive parent who is not a narcissist can change and improve his or her parenting.  The same is not true for the narcissistic parent, however. Every narcissistic parent is an emotional abuser.

A narcissist is a person who has the narcissistic personality disorder.

Narcissistic personality disorder is one…

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Technology And Child Abuse

How to avoiding and report online crimes against children, including images of child sexual abuse and grooming of children for later abuse.

Technology And Child Abuse

Emotional Abuse and how to escape

Emotional abuse at the hands of a partner is rarely talked about.

Here is a useful blog post about separating from an emotionally abusive partner, and about how time apart allows you to see things more clearly, reflect on issues which day to day life was masking.

Beat the Narcissist this Year.

Share this blog to raise awareness of a situation many people find it hard to escape from.

Some emotionally abusive people are also violent, but don’t kid yourself here – emotion abuse without violence is deeply damaging.

What About Bob?: An Abuser’s Tactics Named and Exposed

Sharing a wonderful post today about how abusive people try to manipulate those raising awareness.

Abusive Tactics Identified:

1) Inappropriate familiarity.

2) Defining reality: claiming special or superior insight into the victim’s thoughts and motives – “I would question your heart.”

3) Shifting blame from the guilty party to the victim, working to instill self-doubt – “Is that really necessary?”

”Bob, we have heard these tactics before many times. We reject them.”

via What About Bob?: An Abuser’s Tactics Named and Exposed.